Although Jesse and I have been shopping at our local Costco for nearly four years now, from time to time I still manage to stumble upon items that I had no idea Costco sold. While I’m sure this is partly due to the fact that Costco periodically adds new inventory, I also seem to have just failed to fully wade through the depths of Costco’s offerings. What can I say – Costco is a big place!
Anyway, my newest discovery is Costco’s frozen fish section. I’ve bought fresh fish at Costco many times, but I’d never examined the frozen fish section until Melissa from Dyno-mom mentioned that she buys frozen wild hake at Costco. I’d never heard of hake but I’m always trying to increase our fish consumption so I thought I’d check it out.
While looking for the hake I came to the happy realization that Costco has a pretty decent frozen fish selection. Although it’s nestled in with a lot of frozen processed foods, (which is probably the reason I’d never checked it out before), a lot of the fish options are just plain fish. And, many of those fish are wild-caught .
I’ve now bought wild hake and wild ono/wahoo. Both were a little more than five dollars a pound, which I think is a great price for wild fish. I’ve cooked both fish numerous times now and I really enjoy them. Jesse is really not a fish person but even he likes these fish when I serve them with flavorful toppings.
I haven’t tried any other types of fish yet, but my local Costco sells at least a few other varieties. Some of them were out of my price range, but I think they’d probably also be worth a try if you can afford to pay a little more for fish.
Do you eat fish? Where do you find good fish deals?
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