Frozen Wild Fish at Costco!

Although Jesse and I have been shopping at our local Costco for nearly four years now, from time to time I still manage to stumble upon items that I had no idea Costco sold. While I’m sure this is partly due to the fact that Costco periodically adds new inventory, I also seem to have just failed to fully wade through the depths of Costco’s offerings. What can I say – Costco is a big place!

Anyway, my newest discovery is Costco’s frozen fish section. I’ve bought fresh fish at Costco many times, but I’d never examined the frozen fish section until Melissa from Dyno-mom mentioned that she buys frozen wild hake at Costco. I’d never heard of hake but I’m always trying to increase our fish consumption so I thought I’d check it out.

While looking for the hake I came to the happy realization that Costco has a pretty decent frozen fish selection. Although it’s nestled in with a lot of frozen processed foods, (which is probably the reason I’d never checked it out before), a lot of the fish options are just plain fish. And, many of those fish are wild-caught .

I’ve now bought wild hake and wild ono/wahoo. Both were a little more than five dollars a pound, which I think is a great price for wild fish. I’ve cooked both fish numerous times now and I really enjoy them. Jesse is really not a fish person but even he likes these fish when I serve them with flavorful toppings.

I haven’t tried any other types of fish yet, but my local Costco sells at least a few other varieties. Some of them were out of my price range, but I think they’d probably also be worth a try if you can afford to pay a little more for fish.

Do you eat fish? Where do you find good fish deals?


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20 Responses to Frozen Wild Fish at Costco!

  1. Leola says:
    Timely post! I'm going to Costco today. They sell Wild Alaskan Salmon! Yummmm!!! It's rather expensive, but less than other stores and soooo good for me. Have a great day, Meghan!
  2. The only fish I ate growing up was fish sticks, so I always thought I didn't like fish at all. As an adult I'm learning that REAL fish can be quite tasty, but I have no idea how to prepare it. Can you share some ideas for how to cook and serve it?
    • Meghan says:
      Hi Victoria, I don't have a lot of experience with cooking fish, either, so I usually keep things really simple and bake the fish. Somewhere between 350 and 400 degrees usually works well. For serving, if you're worried that you might not like the flavor of the fish, it can help to add it to a salad with a lot of flavorful ingredients. I've also had success with adding flavorful toppings to the fish. We especially like adding a fresh sauce made from tomatoes, fresh basil, fresh garlic, red pepper and olive oil. Pesto is also good on top. I'm sure many types of fish would also go great as fish tacos. For fish with a more appealing flavor, I often like it just with some butter and sometimes lemon juice. Wahoo/ono is great like this.
  3. karen gabrielson says:
    I also recently purchased the Hake at Costco to try. Now I am looking to see what other have done with it. I have never had it before. Any ideas, any one?
    • Meghan says:
      Karen, we really like it just baked with a little bit of olive oil and then topped with a mix of tomatoes, fresh basil, red pepper, garlic and olive oil. I also think it's great as fish tacos (although we skip the tortillas). It's a very mild fish so it goes well with bold flavors.
  4. Joey says:
    I was at Costco and they got me with the Hake samples, oh my goodness, it was DELICIOUS! So I bought a bag... only to realize, it's just the fish, not the seasonings; I have no idea how to cook fish! haha. I've been looking for recipes but they had some kind of lemony peppery yummyness that i don't know how to duplicate. :)
    • Meghan says:
      Oh, that's too bad! I guess it's time to start experimenting? :)
    • Atochabsh says:
      try sprinkling a combination of lemon pepper or just plain pepper and Amazing Taste for Seafood on it. The Amazing Taste comes in a gravy packet type. It has a strong lemon butter flavor. Amazing Taste has their own web site and other flavors. But when you mentioned the flavor profile I thought first of all of this packet of seasoning.
  5. [...] real-food-worthy at a big discount warehouse store? You might not assume so, but buying quality fish at Costco is definitely a possibility. Read this post to find out why you won’t want to skip their [...]
  6. Adrienne says:
    What do you think about the mercury and toxins. That is something I really get concerned about.
  7. jo akason says:
    Costco in az does not carry ono anymore and now must hunt down another source --too bad as have known this sotrre sinceits beginning in wa and am disappointed
  8. UofAscension says:
    I've tried the following frozen fish at costco and rank them: 1: Ono/Wahoo Wild Caught: head and shoulders the best. great texture and taste 2: Mahi Mahi: good, not fishy 3: Cod: I don't really like cod. I feel it always comes out rubbery and the texture of the wide marbling (the big layers of the meat that flake off) I don't like 4. Tilapia: Texture is ok, but the fish tastes too earthy, and I imagine im eating the scum on the ocean floor
  9. Jill says:
    I recommend doing more research before buying ANY frozen fish. I just went to Costco today and all of their fish is imported from China, Peru or Thailand. Google "fish farming in China" and you will NEVER buy Costcos frozen fish again. I am very upset that they don't sell a USA farmed fish. I am happy to pay more to not eat poison. In this instance, the health benefits of fish do not outweigh the harmful (to our health) practices of fish farms in other countries. Buy fresh, buy local, be healthy. And your supporting Erican owned business too! :)
  10. Does anyone know if Costco has the frozen Hake fillets at this time (March 2015). I don't like going in there if I don't have to, especially for one thing. But that fish is delicious! Wish I would have bought more when I did. I can't find it anywhere else.
  11. Dona says:
    Hello I always buy fresh Cisco bag fish any good I don't want to buy it and get sick....thanks

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