Where are you in your real food journey? Perhaps you’re a seasoned expert–or perhaps you’re just getting started. Maybe you’ve learned a lot, but are feeling overwhelmed because it all just seems too complicated.
I have got a great new resource for you.
Robin Konie (of the great blog Thank Your Body) has just released her newest e-book: Processed Free. Processed Free is a wonderful guide to eating real food–without letting it completely take over your life.
I Wish I’d Read Processed Free at the Beginning of My Real Food Journey
I so wish that Processed Free had been available back when I first started learning about real food back in 2009. In the quest to heal my acne, I’d stumbled upon a few real food blogs. I picked up a few rules and techniques here and there, eventually cobbling together a basic understanding of real food philosophy. Suffice it to say, it was a much longer and more difficult process than it needed to be.
Eventually I read Nourishing Traditions, which, while comprehensive, was also very overwhelming. I remember feeling immensely enlightened–but at the same time feeling like there was no way I could ever pull off this new way of eating.
This is why I love Processed Free. It lays out everything you need to know to eat real food, but makes it feel completely attainable at the same time.
Robin’s Stress-Free Approach to Real Food
Robin advocates a stress-free approach to real food. When you first learn about real food–and how, in many cases, what you thought was “healthy” was actually the total opposite–it’s so easy to freak out and start trying to micromanage every little thing that goes into your mouth. For most people, however, letting your diet become a source of stress is counterproductive, since stress can be just as damaging to your health as what you’re eating.
I have experienced plenty of diet-related stress in the last few years. I spent 2 1/2 years on the GAPS diet, a special healing diet that requires strict adherence to have the best chance of success. Consequently, food was not a stress-free part of my life. In my case, I believe all of this stress was entirely worth it, as I experienced a lot of healing from GAPS. So I do believe that in some cases, it’s useful to be fanatical about your diet.
Having said that, though, I think that Robin’s stress-free approach to food is really the best advice for most people. Unless you’re trying to heal a serious health problem, doing the best you can with the new information that you have will allow you to reap the benefits of real food without experiencing the negative effects of letting your diet completely take over your life. I know that I have enjoyed being able to be more relaxed about my food now that I’m no longer on GAPS.
Buy Processed Free Now and Get 20% Off
For a limited time, you can get Processed Free for its special launch price of $19.95, which is 20% off its normal price. Buy now!
Or Get All 3 of Robin’s E-Books for 47% Off
To celebrate the launch of Processed Free, Robin is also having a special sale on her two other e-books, Pain Free and Toxic Free. You can get the three-book bundle for only $39.95. Buy the bundle here.
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