Hello there! If you’re a long-time reader, you may remember that I used to do “Things I Loved” posts, in which I recapped a little bit of what I’d been up to at home over the last month while also sharing some links from around the real food/natural living blogosphere. I thought I’d get back into that series again, so here’s the first post!
Things I Loved at Home
- Taking Keira to the beach. She hadn’t been for a year and a half, I think, and this month we took her twice. Unsurprisingly, she LOVED it. 🙂 We thought she would be scared of the waves, but letting the waves wash over her feet was one of her favorite parts.
- Finally getting some plants really going in our garden. I had a lot of trouble getting seeds started in the ground this year, I think because I have a rampant slug problem but haven’t been able to track down where they’re hiding. I was planning on growing sugar snap peas, but after planting three times only three plants ever came up, so I gave up on that. But now we finally have some little bean seedlings, summer squash, and lettuce in good shape.
- Enjoying all of the amazing local produce at the farmers’ market. We still have all the usual standbys, like onions, carrots, lettuce, and greens, but now we can also get sugar snap peas, strawberries, zucchini, and even peaches! Gotta love California. 🙂
- Making these gluten-free oatcakes. I’ve been experimenting with eating more carbs to see if it helps my sleep, and I’ve enjoyed making and eating this recipe. I use 24 hour yogurt, rolled oats, and sprouted sorghum flour to make them gluten- and lactose-free. We think they’re delicious.
- Making strawberry chocolate chip ice cream. Recipe coming soon.
Posts I Enjoyed from Around the Blogosphere
- Want to learn how to use a menstrual cup? Growing Wild Roots has a great post sharing her own experience with starting to use a menstrual cup. I’ve been using the Diva Cup for several years, and it’s always fun to read about other people’s good experiences with ditching disposable menstrual products.
- Do you suffer with seasonal allergies? Healthy Green Savvy has a great post on how to naturally prevent allergies, without having to resort to allergy medications.
- I was so excited to read Prepare and Nourish’s post on making and freezing hash browns. Jesse and I love hash browns but we haven’t made them in years because they’re so labor intensive. This method looks much easier and I’m looking forward to giving it a try!
- Beyond Attachment Parenting shares a list of foods that can increase breastmilk production. I was lucky enough not have a problem with my milk supply, but I will be filing these recommendations away for any future babies.
What have you been up to this month?
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